Privacy Policy

Rotta Moro Law Firm (RMA) adopts the guidelines of the Data Protection General Law (LGPD) (Law No. 13.709/2018), which deliberates on the treatment of personal data, including on digital means, natural person data, or legal person of public or private law, with the aim to protect the fundamental rights of freedom and privacy and the free development of the personality of the natural person. As an law operator and as an area which is focused on the data use, RMA adopts a data management policy that takes into account the following legal fundamentals: (i) respect for privacy; (ii) self-determination; (iii) freedom of expression, information, communication, and opinion; (iv) inviolability of privacy, honor, and image; (v) economic and technological development and innovation; (vi) free initiative, free competition and consumer protection; and (vii) human rights, free development of personality, dignity, and exercise of citizenship by natural persons. The data controller and operator is Mr. Gustavo Candiotto, who is responsible for the tasks within the scope of processing personal data with the environments to which the RMA is related. The person responsible for these activities can be contacted by email:


+ 55 11 3297 2213
Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima 2013 – conj. 1D - cep: 01452-001 - Jd. Paulistano

@Rotta e Moro Sociedade de Advogados 2020. All rights reserved.